Nurture and well-being at Highworth

Learning Mentors and ELSA
The well-being of the children at Highworth Combined School is of upmost importance; this is the way to ensure that they are ready to be involved and make progress in their learning.  Where children are not regularly happy and engaged in their learning, actions are put in place both within the classroom learning environment but also with the support of targeted interventions by the Learning Mentor. The Learning Mentor and class teacher will jointly set targets for each child and assess the outcomes and next steps half termly.    The intervention which our Learning Mentors run is called 'ELSA'.  This intervention runs alongside other school interventions such as extra reading, or targeted maths groups for instance.  Our ELSA Learning Mentor has had training with the Educational Psychology department to deliver these sessions to the children at Highworth. Children who need additional support in Year 1 will become part of our 'Little Warriors' group.