Personnel, Finance and Premises Committee
The Personnel, Finance and Premises Committee is accountable for overseeing both the school budget and ensuring that we have effective policies and procedures for managing teachers and staff. We are also responsible for ensuring Highworth is a safe place to be, and that we are adhering to the highest possible levels of Health and Safety. Highworth, as a local authority maintained school, receives a delegated budget from Bucks County Council, the majority as with most schools is used to employ our most valuable resource, the school's teachers and staff. The Personnel, Finance and Premises committee approves the budget each year and regularly scrutinises actual and planned spend to ensure the school is securing value for money and acting with financial probity.
Matt Lamming
Matt Lamming
Curriculum Committee
The main role of the Curriculum Committee is to advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to the Curriculum. It also takes responsibility for:
- the School Visits and Journey Policy;
- has an oversight of the Curriculum Policy and reviews and revises many of the school policies as requested by the Governing Body, monitoring their implementation and making recommendations;
- reviews the strategy for school improvement;
- setting, with the Headteacher, targets for the achievements of pupils and monitoring progress against them;
- the Home/School Agreement.
Nicola Bibby